Friday 29 November 2013


After research, I found Steel Tongs was a font often used in film covers so I thought it would be relevant in creating a professional look.

Final Ident

Steps to my ident:

1. Drawing a mask for my logo. Creating a solid and applying Element 3D to extrude it and bevel it.
2. Create suitable text and apply to Element 3D
3. Make them 3D and create a 3D camera
4. Find a texture on the internet, inverted, screen composite mode, tint purple, fill the 3D world
5. Find keyed smoke or fog and drop into comp
6. Make screen composite mode and horizontally flip one
7. Keyframe the camera position and bring it towards the camera and use aperture to create a virtual depth of field.
8. Keyframe the a rotation of the logo.

Editing: Lens Flare

In this shot, I tracked a lens flare to the wing mirror of the car in After Effects to add extra light to represent freedom in their escape.

Thursday 28 November 2013

First Draft: Audience Feedback

At this point I haven't added sounds including heavy breathing which should be the key to my piece. The feedback I got was regarding sound saying that I need:

-more sounds and layering
-maybe an ambient sound layer of an environment
-some music towards the end

Editing: Time Remapping

The opening shot features a slap in which the man's face moves towards the camera and drifts back. I made the movement towards very fast and then faded into a slower movement which I had the capability for as I shot the whole opening in 60 frames per second and used Twixtor to add to the smoothness.

Editing: RGB Split

At times in the opening when things are out of place I created 3 layers of the same shot, one red, one green and one blue and then moved their individual positions slightly off centre. This creates a trip from reality which could relate to something later in the film but just adds a nice flicker effect.

Monday 25 November 2013

Editing: Colour Correction & Grading

Before & After
I took the left shot and used exposure, curves and levels adjustments in Adobe After Effects firstly; to grade the shot to make the skin tone have an impact. I also lowered the reds to bring out a colder tone. I took another adjustment layer and masked around the character using a subtract mask with blur to create a central focus and create a more shallow depth of field which in turn, creates more cinematic feel.

Shoot #2: Overview

We shot at 9am on a Saturday at The Blue Mugge pub in Leek and it went rather well. I used 3 actors where 2 played the hostages and the other played two separate antagonists by change of costume. 

First of all, I got written consent from the owner, Paul Harrison. We had the pub for two hours as they had a busy schedule as a pub would on a saturday. This meant we had to work as efficiently as possible.

I briefed the actors on their character roles beforehand and there was a better feel and tone to this shoot than the previous as everyone there seemed relatively enthusiastic whereas there was an actor at the other who didn't seem as if he wanted to be there. It also helped with an older man there as the younger ones couldn't mess around as much.

Shoot #2: Props

-Bottle of water - for sweat 
-Fork - weapon
-BB handgun - weapon
-Ski Mask - menacing

Shoot #2: Equipment

-Canon 600D
-Studio Light
-50mm lens
-18-55mm lens w/ fish eye x1.5
-Hama Tripod

Representations of Urban Antagonist

We went for the stereotype, here are the qualities:

-black clothing - darkness connotes malice and evil

-ski mask - protects identity and creates insignificance

-leather jacket - rogue & bandit style

-large build - menacing

Wednesday 20 November 2013

Representations of Age

My two main protagonists will be dictinctly different by physical and psychological traits. Here are the stereotypes I am adapting to:


-grey hair
-wrinkled skin
-warm clothing



Sunday 10 November 2013

Shoot #1: Resolution

We are going to reshoot, but as me and my partner have very different filmmaking methods, we are going to work separately keeping with the planning we developed and thus creating two different openings.

Saturday 9 November 2013

Shoot #1 - Problems Faced

1. We arrived at the fish and chip shop and due to a lack of communication with the manager, we were unable to use the location planned. We saw a second location across the road which we were able to get permission for as a massive downgrade as this was a closed bar which we gained permission to. 

2. One of the actors started to get hungry and left us to get something to eat which disrupted the shoot and showed the lack of enthusiasm to the project. 

3. Half way through the shoot, a dispute between me and my partner occurred over the shooting script and what the true placement of a prop was intended to be. 

4. The last few shots were to be taken outside and it was dark and I empathised to the moaning actors by trying to finish it on the day rather than coming back another day that we had already established was not a possibility. My partner didn't want to do it in the dark and therefore argued and appeared to lack understanding of the shots we were attempting.

Tuesday 5 November 2013

Final Ideas - Final

Ident Research Application

From the examples I examined, I'm going to:

- make my ident using darker colours with hints of bright colours to suggest a dark tone with hints of alteration of this theme meeting the requirements of the thriller genre.

- make a short and simple animation like a zoom to present the title and key images

Monday 4 November 2013

Ident Research

Thriller Ident

This ident suggests a darker tone using the colours red and black which are associated with hell. The light shining between the clouds connotes mystery which directly relates to the thriller genre.

Unrelated Ident

This film company is known for animated films targeted at a family audience. This is shown by the innocence of the light blue in the background. The simplicity of the whole ident and in particular the lamp connotes ease for people of all ages to enjoy.