Friday 20 December 2013

Evaluation: 7. Looking back the preliminary task, what have you learnt throughout this process?


For the preliminary task, I worked with Jack Bowyer and Harry Corden who worked well and we made a sufficient product. However, I felt I would achieve more working alone as I could then do my editing independently, which I feel is my forte, and not hold anyone back in the process. This was quite a selfish decision, but I feel as though I need to have something to show for myself as this is my hopeful career path.

Then I decided to work with Brendan Hargreaves as he had some experience, similar goals to me but also had a DSLR like mine, which could be useful. The planning went well and we had our piece set up. The shoot didn’t go well and he preferred to keep the piece close to the planning although as I have worked wholly independently in the past, I believe in a more improvised shoot in order to create a more natural feel to a film; as you don’t know what the set is going to hold until you’re there.

We decided to part ways and I was again working independently using the planning of the piece with Brendan. This worked well as I was able to shoot more freely rather than strictly sticking with the shooting script.

Preliminary vs Main

Blog size - this was a much larger project and thus required more work using different mediums to present ideas like Prezi and Slideshare.

Planning size - for the main I needed about 20 posts dedicated to various areas of the planning process which was much more challenging.

Location - as the prelim worked as a practice, we used whatever room we could find as the location whereas for the main I found I had to get permission to use the pub and arrange people to be there at the time.

Overall Learning

- 'the worst ship that set sail was partnership' - but it will be neccessary in future

- I learnt how to use blogger, prezi, slideshare.

- Planning heavily weeks before is one method and another is improvisation but dwelling in the middle is a bad idea

- Auditions would be a good idea

Thursday 19 December 2013

Evaluation: 6. What have you learned about technologies from the making of your product?



1. Only had one camera which was hard to capture different angles and change lenses

2. Keeping steady

3. White balance for the shop

Resolutions or Findings

1. I made sure I shot all the shots using the same lens and similar angles at the same time to avoid time wasting.

2. Glidecam use

3. I decided to shoot as white as possible so I could choose the colours in post.

After Effects


1. Using Element 3D for the first time

2. Editing with 60fps

3. Working with 35 compositions

Resolutions or Findings

1. Watching tutorials

2. Making the compositions 24fps to make it easier apart from shots where needed

3. Naming the comps to create some coherence and ease



1. Embedding

2. Ordering posts

3. Sizing pictures appropriately

Resolutions or Findings

1. Getting the embed code off the site needing embedding

2. Changing the time on the post

3. Checking the blog and coming back in 2 tabs