Monday 14 October 2013

Opening Sequence Research - Limitless

The first thing we see is the blue, spac-related idents which could represent philosophy which is a feature of the thriller genre. We then see titles smashing onto the screen with a thudding sound effect which implies the theme of threat. We then see a door which is being compromised but we don't see the person which holds mystery.

With music, it starts silent but become more prominent when the camera scales up a building to a suicidal man. This exhilarates and thrills the audience and asks questions about this man and why he is in the city yet the only man in shot: he must have power.

In regards to mise-en-scene, we see dead bodies across the floor which shows us there is a perhaps gory element to the film.

To finish, the camera falls off the building leading the audience to thinking the man jumps. It then zooms through cars at speed with really bright city lights while the titles come on screen which allude to a 'trippy' feel which could suggest drugs are a feature.

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